Dear Ms. Azoulay,
As you have been informed, President Erdogan turned the Hagia Sophia, which is designated as a World Heritage Monument, into a mosque.
Additionally, the Turkish Minister for Culture and Tourism Mr. Ersoy declared that «there is no problem with Unesco regarding the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque».
We are not aware of any action you have taken in this regard.
Following the above, we ask you: Shouldn’t your organization react to international organizations, appeal to international and European courts for this action?
Please let us know about your recent and future actions for this purpose.
From our side, we have sent four questions to President Erdogan as well as to the whole world via the internet, which we attach for your information.
- Is there any reference in the Qur’an that you should turn Christian churches into mosques?
- How many thousands of Christian churches have you turned into mosques by destroying hagiographies and mosaics of incalculable value?
- How many mosques have Christians converted into churches?
- Will you make Hagia Sophia a mosque? Will you cover the mosaics and the hagiographies with fabrics? Are you wrong? Do you need to reconsider? Great are the leaders who have the courage to correct their mistakes.
PS: The above questions are communicated to Pope Francis, Chancellor Merkel, President Trump, President Putin and President Macron.
Απεστάλη στη γενική Διευθύντρια
της UNESCO κυρία Audrey Azoulay.
Κοινοποιήθηκε στην Αντιπρόσωπο της Μόνιμης
Αντιπροσωπείας της Ελλάδας στην UNESCO
Πρέσβειρα κ. Μαρία Διαμαντοπούλου
και στην Πρόεδρο της Ελληνικής Εθνικής Επιτροπής
για την UNESCO κ. Αικατερίνη Τζιτζικώστα.